6 Signs Your Business Needs “Technical Evaluation” Automation

Barry Ross
Digital Transformation Marketing

“Technical evaluation automation can be a game-changer for businesses involved in B2B sales”

In the complex world of B2B sales, technical evaluations play a crucial role in determining the viability of a product or service for potential customers. However, the process of conducting technical evaluations can be time-consuming, resource-intensive, and prone to errors. That's where technical evaluation automation comes in. By leveraging advanced technologies and streamlining the evaluation process, businesses can save valuable time, reduce costs, and improve the overall efficiency of their B2B sales operations. In this article, we will explore six signs that indicate your business could benefit from implementing technical evaluation automation.

  1. Lengthy and Manual Evaluation Processes:

    If your business is struggling with lengthy and manual technical evaluations, it's a clear sign that automation is needed. Manually conducting evaluations can be time-consuming, often involving multiple stakeholders and complex documentation. Technical evaluation automation tools can streamline the process by automating repetitive tasks, consolidating data, and providing real-time collaboration features. This reduces evaluation time, eliminates human errors, and ensures a consistent and efficient evaluation process.

  1. Inconsistent Evaluation Criteria:

    Maintaining consistency in evaluation criteria is essential for accurate decision-making. However, when evaluations are conducted manually, it becomes challenging to ensure uniformity across different evaluators and situations. Technical evaluation automation allows businesses to establish standardized evaluation criteria and guidelines. By automating the scoring and rating processes, businesses can ensure that evaluations are consistent, objective, and based on predefined parameters, leading to more reliable results.

  1. Difficulty in Managing Multiple Evaluations Concurrently:

    In B2B sales, it is common for businesses to handle multiple evaluations simultaneously. Managing these evaluations manually can quickly become overwhelming and prone to errors. Technical evaluation automation tools provide a centralized platform to manage multiple evaluations concurrently. These tools facilitate collaboration, document sharing, and progress tracking, ensuring that evaluations are well-organized and efficiently managed. By automating the management process, businesses can handle a higher volume of evaluations without sacrificing quality or accuracy.

  1. Limited Insights and Analytics:

    Without access to comprehensive insights and analytics, it is challenging to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in the evaluation process. Technical evaluation automation tools offer advanced analytics capabilities, providing valuable data, and insights. Businesses can gain a deeper understanding of evaluation outcomes, identify bottlenecks, gain better visibility and optimize their sales strategies accordingly. By leveraging these insights, businesses can refine their product offerings, address customer concerns, and enhance their competitive advantage.

  1. Lack of Integration with CRM and Sales Tools:

    Efficient sales operations require seamless integration between various tools and systems. If your business is struggling with disconnected data and manual data entry, technical evaluation automation can bridge the gap. These tools integrate with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and other sales tools, ensuring that evaluation data seamlessly flows into your existing sales processes. This integration eliminates data silos, minimizes manual work, and enhances data accuracy, ultimately improving the overall sales efficiency and effectiveness.

  1. Limited Scalability:

    As your business grows and the number of evaluations increases, manual processes become less scalable and resource-intensive. Technical evaluation automation enables businesses to scale their evaluation processes without compromising quality or efficiency. By automating repetitive tasks and standardizing the evaluation process, businesses can handle a higher volume of evaluations and ensure consistent quality across all evaluations. This scalability allows businesses to effectively support their growth and seize new opportunities in the B2B market.


Technical evaluation automation can be a game-changer for businesses involved in B2B sales, streamlining the evaluation process and driving efficiency. By recognizing the signs that indicate the need for automation, such as lengthy and manual evaluation processes, inconsistent criteria, and limited insights, businesses can leverage automation tools to improve their sales operations. Implementing technical evaluation automation leads to faster evaluations, enhanced accuracy, better collaboration, and improved scalability. 

Embrace technical evaluation automation today and unlock the potential for accelerated sales growth, increased customer satisfaction, and a competitive edge in the B2B market.

Article Author 


Barry Ross is the co-founder of Ross & Ross International, a leader in B2B digital transformation. He is also a member of the Provarity Advisor Board.

More Information

Contact Provarity today to learn more about how you can successfully automate your “Technical Evaluations” to increase revenue and reduce your expenses.